Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Eastern Europeans have been treated like animals

The Slavic people of Europe have been treated like animals for 70 years. Today we see the results. They are dirt poor and can't make enough money to live decent. They make about $1 an hour. The people of Russia should tell Putin they have had enough of no money and the need a minimum wage of say at least $4 for starters.
Will the Slavic people of the former Soviet Bloc countries wake up and decide those countries belong to them? There are 65 million of your ancestors buried around all your cities and towns killed by the Commies. It's time to get that ground sonar and find them.

Japanese Government's All-Out Offensive to Push Disaster Debris All Over Japan | EXSKF

Japanese Government's All-Out Offensive to Push Disaster Debris All Over Japan EXSKF